Stuart D
Living Spaces
An open submission exhibition, created by me and five other 2nd year photography students from the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. The exhibition was created from photographs of rooms and quotes related to the relevant room, sourced from various people.

….. was more like a pond when I first moved in. When it rained it would fill up with water and as the weather dried up so would my cellar!

The majority of the shit on my wall is a memory, mostly band signed items like tickets, shirts, posters and most my festival tickets that I've managed to keep are up there - Music memories

This is my brother's old bedroom, it brings back good and bad memories; unfortunately the memory that is always most dominant is when, a number of years ago, my brother pushed me off his bunk bed and almost broke my leg. Even though we were just playing, my parents always said it would end in tears....and it sure did.